Unlocking Peace & Preservation: How I Reclaimed My Energy as an Empath

Unlocking Peace & Preservation: How I Reclaimed My Energy as an Empath
Honest moment: I am an Empath and it is both a gift and a curse. 

While it allows you to deeply connect with others and offer compassion, it can also physically drain you. Being an empath means having a heightened ability to sense and absorb the emotions and energy of others. Empaths feel deeply and are often affected by the moods and feelings of the people around them, which can sometimes be overwhelming and depleting. If I take the time to look deep within, I am almost always struggling in some manner. The internal battle with balancing the emapthetic side of myself, and the side of myself that likes to be a naturally positive, energetic person comes at a physical cost. It is almost always a whirlwind. Can you relate?

The Struggle is Real:
If you’ve ever felt like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, you’re not alone. As an empath, I’ve always been deeply affected by the energy around me—whether it’s the emotions of the people I’m close to, the stress of the world, fear on the news, or the constant buzz of modern life. I absorb it all, sometimes to the point where it becomes overwhelming. And, for me, the hardest part isn’t just feeling everything so deeply—it’s how that emotional and physical stress shows up in my body. 

I’ve always known that I feel things more intensely than others. If someone is upset or stressed, I can’t help but feel that too, as if I’m carrying it along with them. I feel the weight of other people's emotions, and over time, I’ve realized that I’ve been carrying this emotional burden in my body, too. From tight shoulders to a racing heart, it’s clear that my body is trying to process everything I’m absorbing—and often, it struggles.
For a long time, I didn’t know how to cope with this. I didn’t know how to protect myself from absorbing so much energy, nor how to release the stress and tension that came with it. I’ve tried different ways to find relief, but one thing that’s truly made a difference in managing both the emotional and physical strain has been incorporating the right supplements into my daily routine. Actually, it's not just that I didn't know how to protect myself. It was slowing down to spend time with myself in order to see what was really hepening. Understanding why I was carrying extra weight, experienced frequent head tension, fight back auto immune issues, show irritability, and so, so much more!

Here are some common signs that your body might be reacting to being an empath:
  1. Physical Fatigue – You feel drained or exhausted after being around certain people or in busy, emotionally charged environments.
  2. Tight Muscles or Tension – Stress and emotional energy from others can manifest as physical tension, especially in the neck, shoulders, or back.
  3. Digestive Issues – Stress or emotional overload can affect your gut, leading to bloating, stomachaches, or other digestive discomforts.
  4. Tension – Empaths can experience head & body tension when absorbing too much energy or emotion from others.
  5. Sudden Mood Swings – You might suddenly feel  sad, or stressed without an obvious reason, because you're picking up on others' emotions.
  6. Overwhelmed – Being in crowded or emotionally intense environments can trigger overwhelming feelings.
  7. Sleep Disruptions – Empaths often find it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep, especially if they've been exposed to a lot of emotional energy during the day.
  8. Intuitive Sensations – You might experience physical sensations that align with the emotional states of those around you.
  9. Increased Sensitivity to Environments – Bright lights, loud noises, or chaotic spaces can feel overwhelming, as your senses are heightened.
  10. Frequent Flair Ups – Stress from absorbing too much emotional energy can weaken your body & system, making you more susceptible to whatever is going around
If you experience these signs, it's important to take care of your emotional and physical well-being by setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and finding ways to protect your energy.

The Challenge of Being an Empath Today:
Living in today’s world feels especially overwhelming for an empath. The constant noise from social media, the stress of the news cycle, and the pressure to meet expectations—all of it can feel like too much. For me, it often seems like my emotions are tied to everything around me. When people close to me are struggling, I feel it. When there’s tension in the air, I can sense it in my body. I even find myself overwhelmed by the sadness of strangers or the collective stressors of the world.
I carry all of this inside, and it’s exhausting. My mind may try to push it all away, but my body doesn’t lie. It holds onto the stress. My shoulders get tight, my chest feels heavy, and my stomach is often in knots. There’s a constant undercurrent of tension that I can’t seem to shake, no matter how much I try to relax.
That’s when I realized that I needed to start taking my self-care more seriously. I couldn’t keep pushing through without addressing the physical toll that my emotional sensitivity was taking. I needed to find a way to support my body and mind, so I began exploring supplements that could help.

Finding the Right Supplements for My Sensitive Body:
As an empath, I’ve learned that my body needs a little more care and attention than most. I’m quick to feel stressed or overwhelmed, so I knew I needed to choose supplements that would support my nervous system, help me manage stress, and promote emotional well-being. Here’s how I started my journey:

  1. Stress Management
    The first thing I did was address the constant stress that I was carrying in my body. I turned to Cortistop. This supplement has been known for its ability to help the body manage cortisol levels. It helps the body maintain it's natural balance/harmony, and it supports the glandular systems of women. I found that it helped me stay more grounded, even when I was feeling overwhelmed. It didn’t erase the stress, but it gave me a little more space to breathe and process it, instead of letting it consume me by wreaking havoc on my body.
I also added Magnesium to my daily routine. Magnesium is known for its calming properties and its ability to ease muscle tension, which was a game-changer for me. I carry so much tension in my body, especially in my shoulders and neck, and magnesium helps to relax those tight muscles. It’s like my body can finally let go of the emotional weight I’ve been holding onto.

  1. Protecting My Energy
    As an empath, I often feel like I’m constantly "taking on" the energy around me—especially when it’s negative or emotionally charged. This can leave me drained, anxious, or even physically unwell. To help protect my energy, I started taking Ashwagandha, another adaptogen. Ashwagandha is known to support adrenal health and promote emotional balance. Over time, I noticed that I was able to handle stressors better without feeling so emotionally and physically depleted. It wasn’t that I stopped feeling deeply, but I felt more resilient. I TRULY see and feel a difference with Ashwaganda. It is like hitting snooze on the emotional noise. 
  2. Sleep and Rest
    I also realized that my inability to fully relax and my tendency to take on others’ stress was affecting my sleep. I’d lie awake at night, my mind racing with thoughts and emotions. I also wake up early to get the day started, because, you know, people and animals depend on me. In true empathetic style, I put their needs before my own, hence, horrible rest for myself. To help improve my sleep, I began taking things like Magnesium, Spearamint, Green Tea and Lavender supplements. These helped me fall asleep faster, and have a calming effect on my body. Slowly, I found myself getting deeper, more restful sleep, waking up feeling more refreshed and better able to handle the day.
  3. Understanding My Gut
    I also realized that my digestive system was being impacted by the constant stress I was carrying. STRESS IS KNOWN TO AFFECT GUT HEALTH, and for someone like me who already feels so much, it made sense that my gut was out of balance. Like what I did there? I not only made those words bold, I underlined & capitolized them for the people in the back!  I decided to add both Prebiotics & Probiotics to my routine. Taking probiotics has helped me feel more in tune with my body—less bloated, more energized, and more grounded. When my gut feels right, everything else follows. Magnesium Citrate, Fiber & Enzymes have also made a huge impact on my regularity and gut health.
  4. Supporting Internal Wellness
    As an empath, I often feel physically drained from absorbing so much energy, and I’ve learned that my immune system can take a hit when I’m constantly stressed. I began taking Vitamins B & C, Wolfberries and Master Formula to support my immune system. These two have been known to help reduce inflammation and boost the body’s defenses. Since incorporating them, I’ve found that I’m better able to handle the physical effects of stress.
Being Still & Listening to My Body:
I’ve learned that as an empath, my body is like a sponge. I absorb not only the emotions and stress of others, but I also carry it in my body if I’m not careful. Supplements have been an essential part of my journey to protect my energy and heal my body. But it’s not just about taking pills—it’s about tuning in to what my body truly needs. It's learning how to NOT put myself LAST, and instead prioritize time for myself. Wether its taking a bath instead of a shower, or taking a few extra minutes to listen to a good audiobook in the car. These days, I've been listening to 2 good books...How to Hear From GOD. One is by Joyce Meyer and the other is by the great Tony Evans. It's teaching me to not fit GOD in around my scheule, but fitting my schedule around GOD. GOD should come first. It's amazing how in doing so, it's had a ripple affect on me. I am learning to connect deeper with Him and to spend quiet time with myself as well. 
I’ve had to learn to set boundaries, protect my emotional space, and care for my body in a way that feels right for me. Supplements have helped, but they’re just one part of the equation. It’s also about being mindful of how I manage my energy, taking breaks when I need to, and learning to say no when it’s too much.
The true key is slowing down & letting go of control—whether that’s additional rest, quality supplements, or simply a moment of quiet to recharge. The control of trying to make everything perfect for everyone else takes its toll on the giver.
If you’re an empath like me, I encourage you to consider how you can take care of yourself in a way that feels nurturing and supportive. The world may never slow down, but we can always find ways to slow down and protect our peace. You only live once and life goes by fast. Don't look back and barely remember the special times that mattered most. 
Be present. Be whole.

Find Your Why and You'll Find Your Way

Find Your Why and You'll Find Your Way
For so long, I tiptoed around my why. Today, I am coming clean and sharing. (This story is written for you, my sweet kiddos.)

Everyone has a why. Why did you decide to make a significant change in your life? Why do you want a better future? Your "why" is the purpose that fuels a life changing decision. Why am I so passionate about making lifestyle changes? Let me tell you my "why".

I was a licensed nail technician for a big part of my career. I later went on to do become a full cosmetologist. I had a ton of amazing customers/friends who made my world go around. I loved my business because of the people. I also worked day in day out with acrylic (ethly methacrylates & methyl methacrylates), polish removers, nail polish, toluene, and formaldehydes. Nothing but dangerous VOC's day in and day out. Those were just some of the chemicals that I, and my clients, would sit over and breathe in. Those same chemicals would also touch our skin liberally. Hey, it was a different time. It was fake nails/big hair/big money days. We were not awakened to the damage of toxins like we are today. Besides that, getting prettied up & chatting over a salon appointment is harmless, right?

Well, in 2016, my middle son, Zach, was diagnosed with a type of cancer, at the tender age of 12. I remember being at UF Shands Hospital and hearing the words, "Your son doesn't have a cyst on his forehead, he has a tumor." They said it right in front of all of us, including him. I immediately hugged him tight and balled!!! I didn't want to cry in front of him, I wanted to be strong, but I just couldn't hold it in. At 12 years old, still a child and not quite a young man yet, he sat on the patient table in shock. All I could think about was that I did this to him. I caused this. You see, I was pregnant with Zachary when I was competing in nail competitions and being endorsed by acrylic nail companies. I was traveling to NY and other national shows. I was living life like a Rockstar! It was a fun part of my life back then...so who would've ever seen this in the future? I should have, because I also got pregnant again, about 8 months after Zach was born, and had a miscarriage. Signs?

The doctor told me that it wasn't me that caused this to happen. It was a mutation of his dendritic cells. I was not convinced. I still, almost 10 years later, am not convinced. I will never know the truth, but one thing I do know is that we all received God's blessing. Zach went on chemotherapy and had a ton of ups and downs. He actually had surgery to place a port near his heart for easy IV access and would receive his treatment every 2 weeks, starting on a Monday. No fail, by Tuesday afternoon he would go into septic shock, and have to be hospitalized in the ICU. We are talking BP of 35 and plunging. What was happening to my child? It was such a violent, torturous time in his life. Chemo was NO JOKE! Scared wasn't the right word. You never know fear, and a loss of control, until you cannot help your own child. As parents, we are supposed to protect them from everything...and I couldn't. 

You definitely get to know God quickly. It is Him who saved us all. The song 'I Surrender All' was my testimony. I had to let go and let God. It took 8 months of chemo, and years of scans, to say he is fully healed and lives an amazing healthy life! So much so, he has chosen to become a Nurse Anesthetist and help other kids get their ports put in. Life changing trajectory, eh?

That same Zach, who by the way, is a gym loving, healthy 22 year old now, took a college class called Organic Chemistry during his quest to be a CRNA. Each day, he would learn it all and come home to share with me. I was so intrigued and so was he. He learned about volatile compounds in medicines, food, cosmetics, cooking oils, cleaning products, home flooring, and more. We both became "aware" of what daily goes into our skin and body. Once you know, you can't hide from that kind of information. It's in the forefront of your mind each and every time you reach for something. 

I had already started to make changes in our life, probably more so because of wanting to be self reliant, but those changes morphed into so much more. I became a homesteader. Of course, I do the sourdough breads, have chickens, make most everything we eat from scratch (including salad dressings, apple cider vinegar, kombucha and more), barter bread for raw milk, eat as much organic and avoid fast food/eating out as much as possible...but it went further than that. I removed as many toxins from our home as I could. I stopped synthetic supplements, lighting candles, using room sprays, store bought cleaning products & laundry soaps, stopped using OTC perfumes, and bettered my skincare. Am I a "granola mom" as my kids call me? Probably. But, are my kids and husband learning alongside me? Yes! 

I am always proud of all of them, but watching them grow in a healthier direction is priceless. 

Unfortunately, I cant go back in time and make changes to the life I've lived. All I can do is be more of a better person today, than I was the day before. I want everyone around me to live a healthy, longer life. I want my family, and yours, to be aware and make at least 1 small change at a time. Don't live life in the fast lane wondering (or ignoring) if all this lifestyle pollution will affect you...sometimes you get lucky and it doesn't, but mostly, it's a matter of when. We can't control all things in our environment, but we must control what we can within our body, home & car. In this time in our life, we have the power to do so!

 xoxo- Chrissy ( & family)

"Knowledge is Power, Power provides Information; Information leads to Education, Education breeds Wisdom; Wisdom is Liberation."

A little about me

I'm Chrissy, a mom, business owner, and hobby farmer. I am blessed to be married to my best friend, my true love, Jason. A few years ago, we decided to make the move from sunny Florida, to a whole new pioneered life in Colorado. 

I have 3 wonderful kids. Each one is so strong, passionate, kind, and giving. They are my purpose for pursuing wellness. 

A few years ago, before our move, I noticed my life didn't have as much meaning as I thought it once did. Due to daily demands of being a cosmetologist, wife, and mom, I was living life shallowly, in the fast lane. For forever, it seems, I was basically surviving, not thriving. I was putting everyone else's needs before my own, it was even part of my career to do so. I was fulfilling my soul through fixing others. If I found a few extra moments, I would put my own external vanity, before the hard work of researching, learning, and implementing beauty & wellness, from within. I would blow out my hair and add lipstick to a tired, broken woman...myself. At the time, outward beauty seemed like a much quicker & easier fix. "Taking care of myself" meant getting taking care of the outside, the stuff people see. I thought it helped. 

What I didn't know was it was helping me avoid any internal wounds. My idea of internal wellness was this: I would throw supplements at my body, and "try" to make a healthier food choice here and there. My lifestyle kept me busy, maybe I kept my schedule packed on purpose. It was to avoid seeing there was a hole inside of me. A hole that only a deeper connection, or purpose, can fill.

Day by day, I took small steps to quiet the noise in my life. Eventually, I pioneered my way into a simplistic way of life. From sourdough, to DIY everything, to chicken farming, and eventually, to providing a toxin free home for my family. Most importantly, I found my way to a two way relationship with God. Total 'mind, body, & heart' at peace, at once. Now I'm abundantly grateful for my journey to wellness. 

I hope my life transformation will inspire you to embrace your own journey toward holistic wellness. I pray my pioneering spirit and commitment to simplifying life for deeper connections will resonate with so many of you.

As someone who understands the value of living purposefully, I invite you to explore the incredible benefits of incorporating Young Living Essential Oils into your holistic lifestyle. Whether you’re looking to enhance your family’s wellness in a toxin-free home or support your spiritual journey, essential oils can be a powerful tool.

Imagine using Lavender to create a sense of peace at the end of a hectic day, or diffusing Frankincense during your moments of reflection and connection. These are more than just scents—they are pathways to a fuller, more vibrant life.

If you're ready to deepen your wellness journey and pioneer new paths alongside me, let’s connect! I’d love to share how connecting with God, homesteading DIY's, the benefits of natural remedies through incorporating Young Living can enrich your life as it has mine. Message me today, and let’s explore the abundant possibilities together. 

 If you’re ready to start this journey or have any questions, feel free to reach out. Here's to pioneering a world of wellbeing!