Miracles bloom where gratitude 
and holistic living meet.


A Little About Me 
I'm Chrissy, a mom, business owner, and hobby farmer. I am blessed to be married to my best friend, my true love. A few years ago, we decided to make the move from sunny Florida, to a whole new pioneered life in Colorado. I have 3 wonderful kids. Each one is so strong, passionate, kind, and giving. 

A few years ago, before our move, I noticed my life didn't have as much meaning as it once did. Due to daily demands of being a cosmetologist, wife, and mom, I was living life in a shallow, fast lane. Unfortunately, I was putting everyone else's needs before my own. I was fulfilling my soul through fixing others.  My idea of internal wellness was this: I would throw supplements at my body, and "try" to make a healthier food choice here and there. My lifestyle kept me busy, probably on purpose. It was to avoid seeing there was a hole inside of me. A hole that only a deeper connection, or purpose, can fill.

Day by day, I took small steps to quiet the noise in my life. Eventually, I slowed down and pioneered my way into a simpler way of life. They say sourdough is the gateway drug of a crunchy lifestyle. It is indeed! It led to label reading, self reliance, DIY everything, chicken farming, and to providing a toxin free home for my family Most importantly, it led me to a two way relationship with God. Total, mind, body, & heart, at peace, at once. Yes, my journey did that. Now I'm abundantly grateful for my life full of wellness. I hope you'll join me in pioneering and connect with your deeper purpose. It's calling you. 

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I've got a gift for you -- totally free! It's my FAMILY'S FAVORITE HOMEMADE PASTA RECIPE.

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And I might send you more cool stuff later, so stay in touch!